We believe in the power of words.
And in stories that enable change.
JoinMe stands for storytelling that is on point.
The challenge: To win over an audience within only 4 minutes.
Watch the trailer to learn how it works.
What is the topic or idea that you want to share with society? From the core message to the perfect presentation of your speech, our experts will prepare you for your 4 minutes in the spotlight.
A shoot with cameras building a perfect orbit around you. A fully focused set that highlights your message. The result: unique video and photo footage. And 4 minutes of full attention for your topic.
JoinMe is spreading your message on all social media channels such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Co. Your own episode, your impact on society. Let's boost your topic together.
Did you know that every purchase from JoinMe helps others?
“We are one” is our initiative that allows people to become part of JoinMe without financial resources. When you are a part of JoinMe, you help them get a voice too.
We believe that every voice can make a difference. Let us turn strong words into invitations and action. Because this is exactly how we create a community that shapes a better and happier tomorrow.
Join us and become part of change, every day.
From story creation to your own episode. Take a look around the world of JoinMe and find out how you can make a difference with us.
We welcome any idea with good intentions.
Whatever your topic, we'll help you to get it across to people.
Creating ideas & story coaching
Professional recordings in studio
Highest quality photo and video content
Catering & Make-up Artist
Professional TV Set
Sold out
Catering & Make-up Artist
Professional TV Set
Few places available
Warum Menschen bei JoinMe ihre Stimme eingesetzt haben.
JoinMe ist kurz, knackig, klar, relevant.
Die Leute nehmen was mit, denken über ein wichtiges Thema nach und können dann im Leben und in der Welt etwas besser
KI Expertin
Gerade in der heutigen Zeit brauchen wir eine Plattform, wo jeder aus seiner Perspektive erzählen kann. Wir hören hier nicht nur, was wir hören wollen, sondern lernen die Sichtweise der anderen kennen. Und das ist so wichtig.
Ich möchte mit allem, was ich tue, über das Thema Herzgesundheit aufklären. JoinMe ist eine ideale Plattform, um möglichst viele Menschen zu erreichen und eine tolle Energie zu verbreiten. Gerade in den heutigen Zeiten.
Schau dir hier ein paar der Episoden aus Staffel 2 an.
Torsten Prix hat in den vergangenen zwölf Jahren 350 Kilo abgenommen – und doch auch wieder zugenommen. In seinen 4 Minuten bei JoinMe spricht er offen über seinen Kampf mit der Esssucht, die ständigen Rückfälle und den Teufelskreis, in dem er gefangen ist.
Tamara Schwab ist fit, sportlich und gesund - denkt sie. Eines Tages im Fitness-Studio hört wie aus dem Nichts ihr Herz plötzlich auf zu schlagen. Fünf Männer reanimieren sie 45 Minuten lang. Sie überlebt. Warum es wichtig ist, eine Entscheidung über “die Fliege im Raum” zu treffen, erklärt Tamara in ihren 4 Minuten bei JoinMe.
Joyce Ilg, die wir normalerweise als Schauspielerin und Comedienne für ihre witzigen und charmanten Momente kennen, schlägt bei JoinMe einen ganz anderen Ton an. In dieser Episode spricht sie über ein Thema, das viele lieber aufschieben: den Tod. Keine Sorge, sie bleibt dabei trotzdem sie selbst – mit einem Augenzwinkern und einem guten Schuss Humor.
Kommunikationsexperte Frank Asmus teilt in dieser JoinMe-Episode eine eindrucksvolle Erfahrung. Während eines seiner Vorträge wurde er von einem wütenden Mann konfrontiert. Doch anstatt mit Gegenwehr zu reagieren, wählte Frank einen anderen Weg: Er trat auf den Mann zu, ließ die Emotionen sacken und begegnete ihm ohne Urteil, sondern mit Menschlichkeit.
Here you can regularly find all new episodes. Ideas that inspire you. Relevant topics that concern us. Subscribe to the channel so you don't miss an episode.
What drives the makers behind the colorful chair.
Story Creator &
Public relations
“Good things need a platform”
My whole life I experienced that good things start to spread when we make the first step ourselves. With JoinMe, I combine my hope and will to create a platform for people who understand the potential of “we.” Too much ego isn't good for our society and JoinMe should remind us to take better care of each other again.
Story Creator &
Public relations
“We're building bridges”
JoinMe not only gives professional speakers a stage, but we also hear inspiring, moving and relevant contributions from underdogs. This allows us to hear opinions from people who were previously invisible. We want an image of reality and society on our platform. Every contribution, every story is an invitation and a bridge to create change.
Movie Editing
Content Publisher
"More tolerance, more dialogue"
For me, JoinMe means bridging the growing divide between opinions, breaking through social bubbles, and promoting tolerance for ambiguities. It opens up a space for different perspectives and constructive dialogue that can enrich our society, and offers the opportunity to bring people with diverse views together.
Creative Brand Imagineer
"Empathetically activating through ideas."
JoinMe is a stage where ideas are born. From their simplest forms, these ideas are moulded into tangible steps that each and everyone of us can take. Why? To help heal our world through creativity, paired with the unstoppable human spirit with the goal of creating a future that we can ALL be proud of.
Finance &
Technical Director
“A megaphone for improvement”
For me, JoinMe is much more than a simple platform; it is a powerful mouthpiece for creativity and innovation. We want to create a space where everyone can make a difference through commitment. Every video that inspires people to improve their world makes me proud.
Direction &
Film Production
“The power of our stories”
I firmly believe that every change starts with a story. Stories have the power to shift perspectives and inspire new ideas that can change the world step by step. And that is exactly what I want: To help shape a society in which humanity and solidarity are more than just words.
Any topic can become a powerful message that makes a difference. All you need is a method that gets to the heart of ideas as quickly as possible. We'll show you how it works.
Create your own JoinMe
Get engaged for change!
Unsere Kanäle.